Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Vichy SOS Sunburn Care Balm: #1 After Sun

This summer I've been low on inspiration for posts, but today I was looking around my room for some products that might be worth mentioning. And luckily my eyes stumbled on my favourite after sun!

It is so important to wear sunscreen before you go outside, but also to take care of your skin once you go inside. The Vichy Capital Ideal Soleil After Sun - SOS Sunburn Care Balm is hands down the best product I have found to use after I have been out in the sun all day and I may have caught a few too many rays. Although my skin doesn't burn that badly, I will always be a bit red after being outside all day. This product is a must have for soothing those areas as well as protecting and healing my skin.

Bikini is from Aerie!

This product has prevented my burns from peeling (to an extent), and has sped up the recovery process so my skin looks tanned faster! When I went to Mexico in July 2013 this product saved my skin! I forgot to put on sunscreen in the morning and within two hours my shoulders were burnt to a crisp! Although this product was not able to prevent peeling completely, my skin only started peeling a few days later. It also made the redness fade and soothed the skin so I wasn't itchy.

The SOS Balm is made with Willowherb extract to soothe the burn and Bioavailable Lipids to target and restore altered cellular membranes (in other words, it heals your skin so it continues to protect you!) It is paraben-free, preservative-free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic, non-greasy, and non-sticky. It has a thick creamy/balmy texture that is absorbed into the skin quickly and has a cooling sensation to soothe those burns! And as a bonus, the scent is light, non-offensive, and doesn't seem to linger! It is marketed as a balm used for specific sunburn care with instant soothing action, and safe for sensitive skin. It comes in a 100ml squeeze tube at the price of $26.00 at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada. I use this product all over my body and face, and have never had a bad reaction from it! This product does not have SPF in it, so in addition to using this always remember to wear sunscreen and your skin will stay happy!

I have loved using this product and have repurchased it because it truly lives up to 100% of its claims no matter your skin type! I know that during every summer and vacation I enjoy, this product will be along for the ride! I'd love to hear what your favourite summer skin care products are! Have a fantastic day!

xo, Meagan

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